Wednesday, April 18, 2012 – Blog Comments
PackerBacker123 on April 18, 2012 at 07:04 PM.
for a second I thought this was going to be a hate letter to OS,

you are a true hero, god bless America
N51_rob on April 18, 2012 at 07:00 PM.
It was a knee jerk reaction. But I am prone to those and playing for me is a high pressure situation. Patton had/has one job get lefties out. Truth be told, I used the OSFM spring rosters to get through spring training and he was headed to AAA anyways, but I wanted to used the OSFM Opening Day roster. He will get another chance.
DustinT on April 18, 2012 at 06:42 PM.
Good luck at training, and we can't wait to see you back!
Meatfish87 on April 18, 2012 at 04:46 PM.
Do you think it was a knee-jerk reaction to demote Patton after two games? Maybe he shouldn't be used in close situations until he becomes a little more seasoned?
Meatfish87 on April 18, 2012 at 03:54 PM.
Are you playing one game per day following the real life schedule? Also, I am about to start my franchise and I am debating on using Brian Roberts even though he is injured in real life. Are you following actual transactions as well?
boomhauertjs on April 18, 2012 at 01:03 PM.
Transformers War for Cybertron was a great game and its sequel is looking pretty good.

QoTD: Just that it is here everyday.
DJ on April 18, 2012 at 12:23 PM.
That's a lot of HRs so far. I like Baltimore's lineup. You are averaging just over 2 BB's a game, which is good.
Kentucky_Wildcat23 on April 18, 2012 at 11:10 AM.
I'm stoked for this game. I am still currently playing NCAA Football 11. The Kentucky Wildcats are my team and its always a fun challenge to try and build the program up from the ground especially in the SEC.
MLB The Show and NBA 2K are games that I can play year-round without forcing myself to play. Madden, I struggle to play more than a few games in Franchise before I lose interest. NCAA tends to last a little longer because of recruiting.

Still, both games lack so much in regards to immersion and presentation compared to the 2 games you're talking about. Weird how EA can have solid crowd noise in NHL but yet it is so lacking in the football games.
I can understand looking out for player safety, and IMO the league has accomplished a lot of positive things to make the game safer and they continue on that trend; which is a good thing.

But at the end of the day, football is still a collision sport and a violent game. These players know what they are getting themselves into.

Getting rid of kick-offs is absolutely wrong. If this happens, you have just taken away such great plays as the Music City Miracle, one of the greatest plays in NFL history. You just killed off one of the greatest calls in NFL history - New Orleans Saints Superbowl Onside Kick. You just killed off careers that could have possibly blossomed (example - Derrick Mason, Devin Hester).

You know what, while we're game changing, let's change the NBA free throw rule to just one shot instead of two on shooting fouls.

There are 3 phases to football, and we all know what they are. This essentially eliminates that 3rd phase, or at most makes it 2 and a 1/3 phases in the game.

To answer the question - absolutely NOT.

If the NFL REALLY cares about its fan base, this would be killed immediately. Again, the players know what they are getting themselves into when they sign up to play.
The owners are ruining the league and the game. This is the most stupid thing ive heard of. The owners need to realize they own sports franchises, not a movie studio and the players are athletes not entertainers. Their stupid rule changes have already ruined the game and have made it boring. Concussions are more common now because the players have lost the fundamentals and they dont wear their helmets properly, they under inflate their helmets so they will just slip off w/o having to use the ear holes
Tuesday, April 17, 2012 – Blog Comments
charter04 on April 17, 2012 at 11:25 PM.
I'm looking forward to it also. I'm an Arkansas fan. The game looks awesome
rugbyphil111 on April 17, 2012 at 10:21 PM.
On/Off switch for the classic players, I don't want to recruit Barry Sanders, he is in the NFL HOF, not an 18 year old kid.
Eski33 on April 17, 2012 at 09:16 PM.
Give me classic teams and uniforms.
this is a horrible idea, the players get payed millions of dollars to play football that means that there willing to risk their bodies for the game. i just dont understand anymore.. its sad
Take away the kickoff, takes away the onside kicks. If your down at the end of the game and need the ball back, you are out of luck. NFL is trying to take away strategies as well. This is not the NFL I fell in love with.
I think if the NFL wants to tank and lose all it's fans then taking away the kickoff is a great idea.

Just listen to the crowd noise before every kickoff. It's the most exciting play in football because it's either a big game changing 100 yard play or a 20 yard gain. The rest of the game is a bunch of 4 yard gains, followed by some 15 yard passes, with 2 to 3 huge runs or passes.
Why don't they take off the helmets and play flag football. They're heading in that direction anyway! Makes me sick...
Hell No!!!!!!!!
This is one of the dumbest ideas the NFL minds have ever floated out there. Simply stupid. Just make it a Two-Hand Touch Pro League then. Another reason why College is 100x more exciting than the NoFunLeague.
I like how they are trying to think proactively and wanting to better their sport, but I honestly think that this would do nothing but harm the integrity of the game.
Hmmmmmmmmm, most exciting play in football. Sure, let's toss it.
Horrible decision. If they go through with this, I hope in 5 years, another USFL-type league will start up again with real football rules, but with an albeit more health-waiver oriented contracts. That sport would blow this NFL pansy game out of the water in terms of ratings and fandom.
Facts on April 17, 2012 at 12:40 PM.
If it weren't for kickoffs, Terrell Davis wouldn't have had a career. It's football. Let the teams earn their own field position.
tbennett54 on April 17, 2012 at 12:39 PM.
2k could get away with this, cause they have great gameplay. EA, not so much
Noooo..kickoffs are like the wildcard of every game. They can be the difference between a win and a loss. They can be momentum builders. Why take that away?
Roger "go to hell" Goodell is ruining football. He is also the reason late hits and helmets coming off were taken out of Madden.
If you can't play the game as it is supposed to be played, then you better off playing chess. It's one of the most exciting things in football, returning a kickoff for touchdown, so why just ruin it all?
Kentucky_Wildcat23 on April 17, 2012 at 09:51 AM.
Apparently "Wyatt" is to difficult for 2k to put into their game. EA always had it in Live and 2k still hasn't. I feel your frustration.
Eski33 on April 17, 2012 at 09:12 AM.
My name got in this year. I was pumped to see and hear it.
Why kickoffs? most concussions came from offensive plays the past couple of years. I say we just give all the players leather helmets again and hope they don't try to use their helmet as a weapon if they do they'll learn quickly not too.
WOW! Re dick u lus! This is nuts! I thought this was football! Hopefully the LFL comes back....so Ill have something to watch, other than Dana Whites great product!
Seriously ridiculous, NFL without kickoffs?!

That's just cray..
At this juncture any hope for a new physics based engine is a moot point because it's not going to happen. If they will not even patch something as simple as a chain gang into the game tells you right off hand their focus. USC and Texas cheerleaders are not as important as the "sights" of the most important aspect of the game, getting another first down. I know some will say this doesn't matter, however it does, if EA fails to address the little things, how can they perfect the bigger issues at hand to provide a better overall gameplay environment?...
Monday, April 16, 2012 – Blog Comments
The weird part to me is if they really wanted to stop concussions the big step would be to make mouthpieces a regulation of the uniform basically saying you have to wear one. That would lower concussions substantially. This id all from these old player lawsuits and owners trying to protect their big money investments. The even more funny thing is there have been plenty of injuries were the parure either was barely touched or not touched at all and blew acl's our achilles. To me they're ruining defense which advantage is to intimidate by fear and killing the will of the offensive player and his ability to septate the man from the ball. This will lead to more and more bloated offensive stats and confusion on these grey area rules that hurt the game on so many levels.
Well in middle school we started at the 35 yard line no kick and I thought it was boring. Next year in freshman ball I became a wedge breaker and it was the most fun I ever had on the field lol some people enjoy special teams... Sadly seems like a large amount of the competition commitee and Goodell never got these great experiences. Also punting would be far more dangerous potentially.
Roger Goodell is ruining the NFL. If this trend continues they will have no fans watching. Bring back Pete Rozelle!
LOL..... Its because we're all fed up... we've seen what can be and should be done but isn't... NCAA and Madden slams the the same game down our throats over and over.... What makes these games (NBA2K)is the presentation... sure they may have some gameplay problems but when you DON'T HEAR THE SAME LINES 5 times in one game and see/hear the crowd and announcer react to whats happening on the field this makes a huge difference. Both Madden & NCAA feel like the announcers aren't even calling the game that I'm playing sometimes.... I WILL NOT BUY ANY FOOTBALL GAME IF THEY DON'T IMPROVE THEIR PRESENTATION PERIOD!!!!!!!!!
thats the worst idea ever the nfl is gonna turn into cfl, except the c stands for crap
Please NO and move the kickoff back..
nfl (national football league) = nffl (national flag football league). If this is past then we should impeach goodel, if we can.
Cletus on April 16, 2012 at 09:07 PM.
I was giddy to have Grady Sizemore get to MLB because Sizemore is finally in a game, even though it's fairly common around here.
It's stupid ideas like this that make me think that Dana White might be right. If the rest of the sports keep cutting the genitals off of their game, UFC/MMA might be the biggest sport in the next 10-15 years.
This is the year I'm not going to fall for the hype -- I now have enough sports games that I actually like. Heck, I even enjoy playing NHL 2K10 on my XBox and I pretty much despise hockey. Last year I bought NCAA because of the $20 pre-order credit at Amazon and got then caught up in Tebowmania and wanted to play him in Madden.
If they keep passing stupid rules like this, I predict in 15 years the NFL will be a bocce ball league.
waltpaw on April 16, 2012 at 07:44 PM.
They keep putting lipstick on this pig. I wish they would make some real advances like a physics based animations. No more canned graphics that are boring by week 4.
lets just have the kicker and the returner only on the field, same for punts too...
We all say this but then we all buy it anyway. That's why they don't change anything. Seriously, we are talking about Madden in April, when August and the hype start you will buy in.

At least that is what happens to me every year. I think it is mostly because I love the NFL.
I am a Chicago Bears fan. You know my answer haha
its dumb they changing rules in basketball and football making it a girly sport lol